I look back at my achievements for August 2021, before trying out Miracle Garrote Rogue on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
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# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 2x (1) Brain Freeze
# 2x (1) Ethereal Augmerchant
# 2x (1) Guardian Augmerchant
# 2x (1) Prize Plunderer
# 2x (1) Secret Passage
# 2x (1) Wand Thief
# 2x (2) Cult Neophyte
# 2x (2) Efficient Octo-bot
# 2x (2) Foxy Fraud
# 2x (2) Garrote
# 2x (2) Swindle
# 2x (2) Wicked Stab (Rank 1)
# 2x (3) Field Contact
# 1x (3) Mankrik
# 1x (4) Kazakus, Golem Shaper
I discuss the two new Demon Hunter archetypes that came with Stormwind, before playing SuperiorDavid's Rank 25 Legend Momentum Demon Hunter. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
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You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Crimson Sigil Runner
# 2x (1) Double Jump
# 2x (1) Felosophy
# 1x (1) Final Showdown
# 2x (1) Illidari Studies
# 2x (1) Sigil of Alacrity
# 2x (1) Spirit Jailer
# 2x (1) Tuskpiercer
# 1x (2) Chaos Strike
# 2x (2) Fel Barrage
# 2x (2) Spectral Sight
# 2x (3) Acrobatics
# 1x (3) Lion's Frenzy
# 1x (3) Rustrot Viper
# 2x (4) Glide
# 1x (4) Kayn Sunfury
# 1x (4) Persistent Peddler
# 2x (7) Irebound Brute
I discuss the Top 5 Stormwind cards I got wrong, before playing Blyzes' Rank 1 Legend Bait Big Warrior. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Provoke
# 1x (1) Stage Dive
# 1x (1) Sword and Board
# 1x (2) Corsair Cache
# 2x (2) Minefield
# 2x (3) Bladestorm
# 1x (3) Bulwark of Azzinoth
# 2x (3) Heavy Plate
# 2x (4) Barricade
# 1x (4) Kargath Bladefist
# 1x (4) Outrider's Axe
# 2x (5) Brawl
# 2x (6) Cowardly Grunt
# 2x (7) Commencement
# 1x (7) Lothar
# 1x (8) Grommash Hellscream
# 2x (8) Mo'arg Forgefiend
# 2x (8) Troublemaker
# 1x (9) Rattlegore
# 1x (10) Scrapyard Colossus
I discuss my gradual climb to Legend in Classic since the launch of the format, before playing Control Questline Handlock on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Raise Dead
# 2x (1) Mortal Coil
# 1x (1) The Demon Seed
# 2x (1) Touch of the Nathrezim
# 2x (1) Tour Guide
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Drain Soul
# 2x (3) Backfire
# 2x (3) Blood Shard Bristleback
# 1x (3) Tamsin Roame
# 2x (4) Soul Rend
# 2x (4) Spice Bread Baker
# 1x (6) Anetheron
# 2x (6) Barrens Scavenger
# 2x (6) Entitled Customer
# 2x (9) Flesh Giant
# 2x (10) Goldshire Gnoll
I look at the post-nerf meta 48 hours in, before playing Shaxy's GM Lifesteal Demon Hunter on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Felscream Blast
# 2x (1) Fury (Rank 1)
# 2x (1) Illidari Studies
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Chaos Strike
# 2x (2) Fel Barrage
# 2x (2) Immolation Aura
# 2x (2) Mo'arg Artificer
# 1x (2) Spectral Sight
# 2x (2) Talented Arcanist
# 2x (3) Aldrachi Warblades
# 2x (3) Chaos Leech
# 2x (3) Eye Beam
# 2x (4) Felgorger
# 1x (6) Il'gynoth
# 2x (6) Skull of Gul'dan
# 1x (8) Jace Darkweaver
The balance changes are in, and there's 8 of them! and I play Wild Questline Druid on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Pounce
# 2x (1) Claw
# 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone
# 1x (1) Lost in the Park
# 1x (1) Nature Studies
# 2x (1) Savagery
# 2x (1) Secure the Deck
# 2x (2) Solar Eclipse
# 2x (3) Feral Rage
# 2x (3) Fungal Fortunes
# 2x (3) Gnash
# 2x (3) Moontouched Amulet
# 2x (4) Bite
# 2x (4) Oaken Summons
# 2x (4) Park Panther
# 2x (4) Swipe
I discuss which Stormwind Epics are worth keeping and which are worth disenchanting, before playing Pizza's Rank 9 Legend Secret Stealth Paladin on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Conviction (Rank 1)
# 1x (1) Galloping Savior
# 2x (1) Knight of Anointment
# 2x (1) Oh My Yogg!
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 1x (2) Murgur Murgurgle
# 2x (2) Noble Mount
# 2x (2) SI:7 Skulker
# 2x (2) Sneaky Delinquent
# 2x (2) Sword of the Fallen
# 2x (3) Alliance Bannerman
# 2x (3) Northwatch Commander
# 1x (4) Cariel Roame
# 2x (4) First Blade of Wrynn
# 2x (5) Battleground Battlemaster
# 2x (5) Blessing of Authority
# 1x (6) Hammer of the Naaru
I recount my climb to Wild Legend this month before playing Jambre's Questline Shaman on the Standard Ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Lightning Bloom
# 1x (1) Command the Elements
# 2x (1) Guidance
# 2x (1) Investment Opportunity
# 2x (1) Lightning Bolt
# 2x (1) Novice Zapper
# 2x (1) Perpetual Flame
# 2x (2) Diligent Notetaker
# 2x (2) Wandmaker
# 2x (3) Charged Call
# 2x (3) Entrapped Sorceress
# 2x (3) Feral Spirit
# 1x (3) Instructor Fireheart
# 2x (3) Marshspawn
# 2x (3) Serpentshrine Portal
# 2x (4) Spirit Alpha
I talk about my climb to Legend in Standard and the deck I played, before playing Wild Baku Questline Hunter! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Arcane Shot
# 1x (1) Defend the Dwarven District
# 2x (1) Flare
# 2x (1) On the Hunt
# 2x (1) Overwhelm
# 2x (1) Rapid Fire
# 2x (1) Resizing Pouch
# 2x (1) Secret Plan
# 2x (1) Toxic Reinforcements
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (1) Wound Prey
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Aimed Shot
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Powershot
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
Iksar has tweeted that the team are going to discuss Balance Changes, and they know 1 card already, so I speculate as to what it could be before playing HsPhoeba's Shadow Priest. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Raise Dead
# 2x (1) Frazzled Freshman
# 2x (1) Imprisoned Homunculus
# 2x (1) Tour Guide
# 2x (1) Voidtouched Attendant
# 2x (2) Cult Neophyte
# 2x (2) Kul Tiran Chaplain
# 2x (2) Manafeeder Panthara
# 1x (2) Thrive in the Shadows
# 2x (2) Twilight Deceptor
# 2x (2) Wriggling Horror
# 1x (3) Mankrik
# 1x (3) Mindrender Illucia
# 2x (3) Shadowed Spirit
# 2x (3) Traveling Merchant
# 2x (4) Void Shard
# 1x (5) Darkbishop Benedictus
Stormwind has been live for two days, and I look at how the meta is developing! before playing ZachO's "Perfect 30" Quest Rogue. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
Subscribe to my Youtube stuff, it helps me!
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Shadowstep
# 1x (1) Find the Imposter
# 2x (1) Secret Passage
# 2x (1) SI:7 Extortion
# 2x (2) Foxy Fraud
# 2x (2) SI:7 Skulker
# 2x (2) Swindle
# 1x (2) Tenwu of the Red Smoke
# 1x (2) Vanessa VanCleef
# 2x (2) Wicked Stab (Rank 1)
# 2x (3) SI:7 Agent
# 2x (3) SI:7 Operative
# 1x (4) Scabbs Cutterbutter
# 2x (4) SI:7 Infiltrator
# 2x (4) SI:7 Informant
# 2x (5) Battleground Battlemaster
# 2x (7) SI:7 Assassin
United in Stormwind is live! And even though it's not in the graphic, I have a go at playing the VS Quest Mage. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Flurry (Rank 1)
# 2x (1) Brain Freeze
# 2x (1) First Flame
# 2x (1) Primordial Studies
# 1x (1) Sorcerer's Gambit
# 2x (2) Cram Session
# 2x (2) Ignite
# 2x (2) Incanter's Flow
# 2x (2) Runed Orb
# 2x (3) Arcane Intellect
# 1x (3) Combustion
# 2x (3) Ice Barrier
# 2x (4) Fire Sale
# 2x (4) Fireball
# 2x (5) Apexis Blast
# 2x (5) Refreshing Spring Water
Less than 48 hours until we enter Stormwind! I talk about a few more new cards and look back at my month of July, before playing Classic Handlock! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Soulfire
# 2x (1) Mortal Coil
# 2x (1) Power Overwhelming
# 2x (1) Voidwalker
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Ironbeak Owl
# 2x (2) Sunfury Protector
# 2x (3) Arcane Golem
# 2x (3) Earthen Ring Farseer
# 2x (4) Defender of Argus
# 2x (4) Hellfire
# 1x (4) Leeroy Jenkins
# 2x (4) Twilight Drake
# 2x (5) Faceless Manipulator
# 2x (12) Mountain Giant
# 2x (20) Molten Giant