Some of the revealed Rise of Shadows cards are really getting a rise out of some people (hyuk, hyuk!) and I play Kibler's Dragon Elemental Shaman on the ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
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# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 2x (1) Unstable Evolution
# 2x (2) Earthen Might
# 2x (2) Firetree Witchdoctor
# 2x (2) Menacing Nimbus
# 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze
# 2x (3) Nightmare Amalgam
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 2x (4) Hex
# 1x (4) Scaleworm
# 1x (4) Tol'vir Stoneshaper
# 2x (5) Dragonmaw Scorcher
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (6) Krag'wa, the Frog
# 2x (7) Crowd Roaster
# 1x (8) Hagatha the Witch
# 1x (8) Kalimos, Primal Lord
# 2x (8) Primordial Drake
# 1x (9) Shudderwock
The card reveals are coming thick and fast, so I discuss some of the more notable ones! and play RenoJackson's Top 80 Even Mage for Wild Wednesday. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
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You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (0) Elemental Evocation
# 2x (2) Cult Sorcerer
# 2x (2) Fallen Hero
# 2x (2) Frostbolt
# 2x (2) Garrison Commander
# 2x (2) Primordial Glyph
# 1x (2) Pyros
# 2x (2) Spellzerker
# 2x (4) Cosmic Anomaly
# 2x (4) Dalaran Aspirant
# 2x (4) Fireball
# 1x (4) Spellbreaker
# 2x (4) Steam Surger
# 1x (4) Unexpected Results
# 1x (6) Coldarra Drake
# 1x (6) Genn Greymane
# 1x (6) Mojomaster Zihi
# 1x (8) Ragnaros the Firelord
# 1x (8) Rhonin
# 1x (8) The Lich King
I wake up to a heap of new cards! So I talk about the Villains of EVIL, before playing Tsu-San's Top 10 Legend Egg Paladin. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Crystalsmith Kangor
# 2x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 2x (2) Plated Beetle
# 1x (3) Prince Taldaram
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 1x (4) Meat Wagon
# 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
# 2x (5) Call to Arms
# 2x (5) Carnivorous Cube
# 2x (5) Mechano-Egg
# 2x (5) Shrink Ray
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Spikeridged Steed
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (7) Countess Ashmore
# 1x (7) Kangor's Endless Army
# 1x (9) Uther of the Ebon Blade
# 1x (25) Shirvallah, the Tiger
Discussing the rest of the early Rise of Shadows preview cards, a surprise message from Hearthstone's Creative Director Ben Thompson, and playing EMEm's Top 8 Legend Spirit of the Dead Quest Priest! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Awaken the Makers
# 2x (1) Spirit of the Dead
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Dead Ringer
# 2x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 2x (2) Seance
# 2x (2) Shadow Visions
# 2x (2) Spirit Lash
# 1x (3) Gilded Gargoyle
# 2x (3) Twilight's Call
# 2x (3) Voodoo Doll
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (5) Carnivorous Cube
# 2x (5) Mass Hysteria
# 2x (5) Reckless Experimenter
# 1x (6) Mojomaster Zihi
# 1x (7) Bwonsamdi, the Dead
# 2x (7) Psychic Scream
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
To celebrate making it to 500 episodes, I invited the Discord community to submit questions, and Slovmo uses them to interview me as we walk around the Christchurch Botanic Gardens. Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
As I leave for New Zealand for the weekend, I bring you the Rise of Shadows hot off the press, and play FroBro's Legend Togwaggle Druid. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (0) Innervate
# 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone
# 2x (1) Naturalize
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Ferocious Howl
# 2x (4) Branching Paths
# 2x (4) Ironwood Golem
# 2x (4) Oaken Summons
# 2x (4) Swipe
# 1x (4) Twig of the World Tree
# 2x (5) Arcane Tyrant
# 2x (6) Nourish
# 2x (6) Spreading Plague
# 1x (7) Azalina Soulthief
# 1x (7) Dreampetal Florist
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (8) King Togwaggle
# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation
I examine which decks will survive rotation to the Year of the Dragon, and play Odd Dragon Warrior on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Eternium Rover
# 2x (1) Omega Assembly
# 2x (1) Shield Slam
# 2x (3) Reckless Flurry
# 2x (3) Shield Block
# 2x (3) Smolderthorn Lancer
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 2x (5) Brawl
# 2x (5) Dragonmaw Scorcher
# 2x (5) Dyn-o-matic
# 2x (5) Emberscale Drake
# 2x (5) Supercollider
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (7) Crowd Roaster
# 1x (7) Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
# 1x (9) Ysera
I go over what we can expect of the coming weeks, and what you should do in that time, before (perhaps foolishly) playing Thief Rogue on the ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Backstab
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Deadly Poison
# 2x (1) Hallucination
# 1x (2) Cavern Shinyfinder
# 2x (2) Sap
# 2x (3) Blink Fox
# 2x (3) Fan of Knives
# 1x (3) SI:7 Agent
# 2x (4) Academic Espionage
# 2x (4) Elven Minstrel
# 2x (4) Spectral Cutlass
# 1x (4) Walk the Plank
# 1x (5) Captain Greenskin
# 2x (6) Vanish
# 2x (7) Sprint
# 1x (8) Tess Greymane
# 1x (9) Valeera the Hollow
I talk through the ins and outs of Midrange Beast Hunter! How to play it and how to play against it. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Candleshot
# 2x (1) Dire Mole
# 2x (1) Springpaw
# 2x (1) Timber Wolf
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (2) Crackling Razormaw
# 2x (2) Scavenging Hyena
# 2x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Master's Call
# 2x (3) Unleash the Hounds
# 2x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 2x (4) Flanking Strike
# 2x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 1x (6) Savannah Highmane
I finish the Year of the Mammoth Retrospective week looking at Kobolds & Catacombs and the issues it created, before playing Cubelock on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Dark Pact
# 2x (1) Kobold Librarian
# 2x (2) Cheaty Anklebiter
# 2x (2) Defile
# 2x (2) Doomsayer
# 1x (3) Prince Taldaram
# 2x (4) Hellfire
# 2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
# 1x (4) Spiritsinger Umbra
# 2x (5) Carnivorous Cube
# 2x (5) Doomguard
# 1x (5) Faceless Manipulator
# 1x (5) Skull of the Man'ari
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Possessed Lackey
# 2x (9) Voidlord
# 1x (10) Bloodreaver Gul'dan
# 2x (12) Mountain Giant
I continue my Year of the Mammoth Retrospective talking about Knights of the Frozen Throne, and play WiRer's Overload Shaman. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Lightning Bolt
# 2x (2) Ancestral Spirit
# 2x (2) Likkim
# 1x (3) Electra Stormsurge
# 2x (3) Far Sight
# 2x (3) Haunting Visions
# 2x (3) Healing Rain
# 2x (3) Lightning Storm
# 2x (4) Hex
# 2x (5) Earth Elemental
# 2x (5) Volcano
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (6) Krag'wa, the Frog
# 2x (6) Rain of Toads
# 2x (7) Lesser Sapphire Spellstone
# 1x (8) Hagatha the Witch
# 2x (11) Snowfury Giant
This week I'm going to look back at the Year of the Mammoth, starting with Journey to Un'Goro, and playing Mori Toshi's Top 200 Legend Quest Dragon Priest on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Awaken the Makers
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Dead Ringer
# 2x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 2x (2) Mind Blast
# 2x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 2x (2) Spirit Lash
# 2x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 2x (3) Twilight's Call
# 2x (4) Duskbreaker
# 2x (4) Twilight Drake
# 2x (5) Mass Hysteria
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 1x (7) Archbishop Benedictus
# 2x (7) Psychic Scream
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza