We're getting more balance changes?! And I play Control's Top 20 Wild Legend Kingsbane Rogue on the Legend ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
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You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
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You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Buccaneer
# 2x (1) Deadly Poison
# 2x (1) Doomerang
# 1x (1) Kingsbane
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Cavern Shinyfinder
# 2x (2) Goblin Auto-Barber
# 2x (2) Sap
# 2x (2) Ship's Cannon
# 2x (3) Raiding Party
# 2x (4) Dread Corsair
# 2x (4) Naga Corsair
# 2x (4) Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
# 1x (5) Captain Greenskin
# 1x (5) Myra's Unstable Element
I recount my climb to Legend in Wild for January, and play Garden's Legend Elemental Shaman on the Standard Legend Ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Fire Fly
# 2x (1) Glacial Shard
# 2x (2) Earthen Might
# 2x (2) Elementary Reaction
# 2x (2) Fire Plume Harbinger
# 2x (2) Menacing Nimbus
# 2x (3) Bog Slosher
# 2x (3) Tar Creeper
# 2x (4) Fire Plume Phoenix
# 2x (4) Tol'vir Stoneshaper
# 2x (5) Servant of Kalimos
# 2x (6) Fire Elemental
# 1x (6) Grumble, Worldshaker
# 2x (7) Blazecaller
# 1x (8) Hagatha the Witch
# 1x (8) Kalimos, Primal Lord
# 1x (9) Shudderwock
I recount my Magic Story in the wake of discontinued Magic GP Coverage, about how I got there which in turn is how I got here, and I play Appa's Wild Legend Dragon Reno Priest on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Northshire Cleric
# 1x (1) Potion of Madness
# 1x (1) Power Word: Shield
# 1x (1) Twilight Whelp
# 1x (2) Dirty Rat
# 1x (2) Netherspite Historian
# 1x (2) Shadow Visions
# 1x (2) Shadow Word: Pain
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze
# 1x (3) Shadow Word: Death
# 1x (3) Twilight Acolyte
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (4) Duskbreaker
# 1x (4) Kazakus
# 1x (4) Scaleworm
# 1x (4) Twilight Guardian
# 1x (5) Azure Drake
# 1x (5) Drakonid Operative
# 1x (5) Excavated Evil
# 1x (5) Raza the Chained
# 1x (6) Cabal Shadow Priest
# 1x (6) Dragonfire Potion
# 1x (6) Entomb
# 1x (6) Lightbomb
# 1x (6) Reno Jackson
# 1x (7) Crowd Roaster
# 1x (7) Psychic Scream
# 1x (8) Shadowreaper Anduin
# 1x (9) Alexstrasza
I talk about sideboards and whether they can bring anything to Hearthstone, and play Rakjo's Top 30 Wild Legend Jade Druid on the ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Biology Project
# 2x (1) Jade Idol
# 1x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone
# 2x (1) Naturalize
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 1x (3) Brann Bronzebeard
# 2x (3) Jade Blossom
# 2x (4) Branching Paths
# 1x (4) Fandral Staghelm
# 1x (4) Flobbidinous Floop
# 2x (4) Ironwood Golem
# 2x (4) Poison Seeds
# 1x (5) Loatheb
# 2x (5) Starfall
# 1x (6) Aya Blackpaw
# 2x (6) Jade Behemoth
# 1x (6) Nourish
# 1x (7) Malfurion the Pestilent
# 1x (10) Kun the Forgotten King
# 2x (10) Ultimate Infestation
I talk about my Standard Legend climb in January and the deck I played, before playing DrEvel's Wild Legend Odd Control Warrior on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Eternium Rover
# 1x (1) Omega Assembly
# 2x (1) Shield Slam
# 1x (1) Whirlwind
# 2x (3) Bash
# 2x (3) Deathlord
# 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze
# 1x (3) Ironbeak Owl
# 1x (3) Lone Champion
# 2x (3) Ravaging Ghoul
# 2x (3) Reckless Flurry
# 2x (3) Shield Block
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 1x (5) Big Game Hunter
# 2x (5) Brawl
# 2x (5) Dyn-o-matic
# 2x (5) Supercollider
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (7) Azalina Soulthief
# 1x (7) Dr. Boom, Mad Genius
# 1x (9) Baku the Mooneater
I discuss the importance of pacing ourselves, and play SkyeHSx's Top 10 Wild Legend Molten Giant Anyfin Paladin deck on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Righteous Protector
# 2x (2) Annoy-o-Tron
# 2x (2) Bluegill Warrior
# 1x (2) Equality
# 2x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (2) Shielded Minibot
# 2x (3) Divine Favor
# 1x (3) High Priest Thekal
# 2x (3) Murloc Warleader
# 2x (3) Muster for Battle
# 2x (3) Rallying Blade
# 1x (4) Consecration
# 1x (4) Old Murk-Eye
# 2x (5) Call to Arms
# 1x (5) Finja, the Flying Star
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 2x (10) Anyfin Can Happen
# 2x (20) Molten Giant
I discuss the state of Hunter in Standard right now, and whether we need a further balance patch this expansion, before playing Caravaggio's Hybrid Hunter on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Dire Mole
# 1x (1) Hunter's Mark
# 2x (1) Springpaw
# 2x (2) Crackling Razormaw
# 1x (2) Explosive Trap
# 1x (2) Freezing Trap
# 2x (2) Scavenging Hyena
# 1x (2) Snake Trap
# 1x (2) Venomstrike Trap
# 1x (2) Wandering Monster
# 2x (3) Animal Companion
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Master's Call
# 2x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 2x (4) Flanking Strike
# 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
# 1x (5) Subject 9
# 1x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
# 1x (10) Zul'jin
I talk about how to play around secrets in Hearthstone, and play Duwin's creative Knuckles Hunter on the Wild ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Candleshot
# 1x (1) Hunter's Mark
# 2x (1) The Beast Within
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (2) Cat Trick
# 2x (2) Explosive Trap
# 2x (2) Freezing Trap
# 2x (2) Goblin Prank
# 2x (2) Golakka Crawler
# 2x (2) Hidden Cache
# 2x (2) Wandering Monster
# 1x (3) Eaglehorn Bow
# 2x (3) Master's Call
# 1x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 1x (5) Knuckles
# 2x (5) Lesser Emerald Spellstone
# 1x (5) Subject 9
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
There are many different Hunters out on the ladder, and I break down how to tell which is which, before playing Vanqswisher's Penguin Hunter! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Snowflipper Penguin
# 2x (1) Candleshot
# 2x (1) Dire Mole
# 2x (1) Hunter's Mark
# 2x (1) Springpaw
# 2x (1) Timber Wolf
# 2x (1) Tracking
# 2x (2) Crackling Razormaw
# 2x (2) Scavenging Hyena
# 2x (3) Kill Command
# 2x (3) Master's Call
# 2x (3) Unleash the Hounds
# 2x (4) Dire Frenzy
# 1x (5) Starving Buzzard
# 2x (5) Tundra Rhino
# 1x (6) Deathstalker Rexxar
I have been mulling over theories on why Tournament Mode was "Put on Hold Indefinitely" and I share them with you all, before playing Mecha'thun Warlock on the ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Glacial Shard
# 2x (1) Kobold Librarian
# 2x (1) Mortal Coil
# 1x (1) The Soularium
# 2x (1) Wax Elemental
# 1x (2) Bloodbloom
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 2x (2) Cheaty Anklebiter
# 1x (2) Curse of Weakness
# 2x (2) Defile
# 2x (2) Galvanizer
# 2x (2) Novice Engineer
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 1x (4) Cataclysm
# 2x (4) Corpsetaker
# 2x (4) Lesser Amethyst Spellstone
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 1x (7) Lord Godfrey
# 1x (10) Mecha'thun
I look at how the Wild metagame is shaping up after the recent balance patch, and play Awedragon's Rank 8 Legend Aggro Pirate Kingsbane Rogue on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Preparation
# 2x (1) Buccaneer
# 2x (1) Deadly Poison
# 1x (1) Kingsbane
# 1x (1) Patches the Pirate
# 2x (1) Southsea Deckhand
# 2x (2) Cavern Shinyfinder
# 2x (2) Eviscerate
# 2x (2) Sap
# 2x (2) Ship's Cannon
# 2x (3) Raiding Party
# 2x (3) Southsea Captain
# 2x (4) Dread Corsair
# 1x (4) Jeeves
# 2x (4) Naga Corsair
# 2x (4) Tinker's Sharpsword Oil
# 1x (5) Myra's Unstable Element
I discuss the what not having much free time to play Hearthstone does to us, and play Paradox's Top 75 Legend OTK Paladin on the ladder! You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 1x (1) Righteous Protector
# 1x (2) Bloodmage Thalnos
# 1x (2) Crystalsmith Kangor
# 2x (2) Equality
# 2x (2) Flash of Light
# 2x (2) Loot Hoarder
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 2x (2) Youthful Brewmaster
# 2x (3) Time Out!
# 1x (3) Zola the Gorgon
# 2x (4) Ancient Brewmaster
# 2x (4) Consecration
# 2x (4) Truesilver Champion
# 2x (5) Call to Arms
# 2x (6) Spikeridged Steed
# 1x (6) Sunkeeper Tarim
# 1x (7) Lynessa Sunsorrow
# 1x (9) Uther of the Ebon Blade
# 1x (25) Shirvallah, the Tiger
I look back at how I went with my 2018 Hearthstone resolutions, and look forward to what I want to achieve in 2019, before playing BuckNasty's Rank 1 Legend Big Spell Mage on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (1) Arcane Artificer
# 2x (1) Daring Fire-Eater
# 1x (2) Prince Keleseth
# 1x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 1x (3) Gluttonous Ooze
# 2x (3) Stonehill Defender
# 2x (4) Arcane Keysmith
# 2x (4) Polymorph
# 2x (5) Arcane Tyrant
# 2x (5) Dragon's Fury
# 1x (5) Zilliax
# 2x (6) Blizzard
# 2x (6) Meteor
# 1x (6) Skulking Geist
# 2x (7) Flamestrike
# 1x (7) Jan'alai, the Dragonhawk
# 1x (8) Sindragosa
# 1x (8) The Lich King
# 1x (9) Dragoncaller Alanna
# 1x (9) Frost Lich Jaina
I got Legend in Standard again, yay! I recount the journey, and they try to play Zamos's Top 7 Legend Togwaggle Hakkar Combo Druid on the ladder. You can find the deck import link below the following contact links.
Join our Discord community here or at discord.me/blisterguy.
You can follow me on twitter @blisterguy.
You can follow the podcast on twitter @walktoworkHS
Or on facebook facebook.com/walktoworkHS.
You can email the podcast at walktoworkHS@gmail.com.
Subscribe in iTunes or Stitcher.
You can see my infographic archive here.
You can support this podcast and my other Hearthstone work at Patreon here
# 2x (0) Innervate
# 2x (0) Moonfire
# 2x (0) Pounce
# 2x (1) Barkskin
# 2x (1) Biology Project
# 1x (1) Earthen Scales
# 1x (1) Floop's Glorious Gloop
# 2x (1) Lesser Jasper Spellstone
# 2x (1) Naturalize
# 2x (2) Wild Pyromancer
# 2x (2) Wrath
# 2x (3) Acolyte of Pain
# 2x (3) Ferocious Howl
# 1x (3) Wild Growth
# 1x (4) Branching Paths
# 2x (6) Gadgetzan Auctioneer
# 1x (8) King Togwaggle
# 1x (10) Hakkar, the Soulflayer